Teething in children is one of the important indicators of their growth and health. From when a child is young until the permanent teeth come in, the teething period is divided into several stages, and there are key points that parents should be aware of at each stage.
🌱 Teething Period of Baby Teeth
- Initial Baby Teeth: Most children show their first baby teeth between 6 to 10 months. The first teeth that usually appear are the lower front teeth.
- Full Set of Baby Teeth: By around age 3, most children will have all 20 of their baby teeth. From this time on, it's essential to thoroughly care for the child's teeth.
- Transition from Baby Teeth to Permanent Teeth: Between ages 6 to 12, children start to lose their baby teeth, and permanent teeth begin to emerge. This process is natural, so there's no need to worry.
🌿 Precautions During the Teething Period
- Discomfort from Teething: Children may experience gum itchiness or pain during teething. You can provide cooled toys or towels to help alleviate their discomfort.
- Nutritional Intake: During the teething period, it's important to ensure the intake of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D, which are good for tooth development.
- Dental Visits: It's beneficial to visit the dentist regularly from the time the child's first tooth appears to monitor the state of their teeth.
🌷 Closing Words 🌷
The teething period is a special time for both parents and children. Protecting a child's dental health lays the foundation for a healthy smile in the future. Please safeguard your child's teething period with proper knowledge and care. 🌷🦷🌷